1. How do I use the system?

Here is typical example of how to use the system.

However, this is just an example schedule. The Feel Great System is flexible to incorporate into varying fasting schedules and meal patterns. When you get started you will have access to the member resources section to learn more about the various ways to use the system and more detailed instructions on how to use it.

2. What to expect when using the Feel Great System:

Introducing fiber can increase gas or bloating in some people. This is a normal reaction as your body begins to acclimate to the increased daily fiber intake. This is a temporary effect and should diminish after 2–3 weeks. If you’re very uncomfortable, consider taking only one or a half packet of Balance daily before your first meal, or take it on its own without a meal until you are adjusted.

3. What do I eat? Can I do a keto diet/low carb with this?

The Feel Great System is not a diet. Everywhere, we are told to exercise, diet, cut out carbs, calorie counting and restrict ourselves from foods that are literally EVERYWHERE.

The reality is, we have many factors that work against us to keep us from consistently sticking to diets and calorie counting. Our modern food environment, stress, busy lifestyles, and decision fatigue that become obstacles in our path to living a healthy lifestyle. Heres the biggest reason why diets don’t work; we will ALWAYS go back to eating foods that we enjoy, we will always eat at restaurants, take vacations, and indulge in ice cream in the summers because that is LIFE.

Feel Great is a simple system with two unique FOOD based products that help with hunger, cravings, fatigue, better mood, better blood sugar and insulin levels and more. There is NO NEED to diet. No shakes, no pills, no counting/measuring required. Diets only work as long as you are on them and no one wants to live eating a restricted diet for the rest of their life!

The system lets you eat foods that you love, helps you make better food choices, and bridges the gap in your nutrition, to enhance your metabolic health without relying on willpower!

4. How long will it take for me to see results with Feel Great?

Everyone’s metabolic health is at a different level so it is not possible to give an accurate measure of when you will see the results you are looking for. Results will vary. However, we guarantee that you will feel better within your first 30 days, so long as you are taking the products daily and consistently.

There are many factors that determine the benefits that you will get on the feel great system. Because everyone starts their journey with different health conditions, cultural backgrounds and medical history we cannot guarantee that you will all see the benefits at the same time.

For some people they see changes in a day
For others it’s a week

And for MANY others it takes at least 6 weeks to see changes depending on many factors; your gut health, having a fatty liver, visceral fat, and how many medications you are on. If weight loss is your MAIN goal, understand that if you don’t want to change your diet, it will be slow progress!! This is why the feel great system is not a weight loss system, it’s meant to help lower insulin. You will experience weight loss as a side effect but it will take time, and patience and consistency!!!

Do not give up. In our members resource section, you will find multiple ways to use the system to maximize your results so use those tips! If you want to make changes to your diet in addition to using the system YOU CAN!

5. How does this work to help me lost weight?

If weight loss is your MAIN goal, understand that if you don’t want to change your diet, it will be slow progress!! This is why the feel great system is not a weight loss system, it’s meant to help lower insulin. You will experience weight loss as a side effect but it will take time, and patience and consistency!!!

Weight loss with the system occurs as a natural side effect of improving your metabolic health. You will start to see changes in how your clothes fit and look, and your body goes through a recomposition through building and sparing muscle, and bone, and burning fat for fuel. If your goal is to lose weight, we recommend incorporating higher intakes of protein with each meal while using the system. That will enhance the benefits of the system and you may start noticing changes sooner.

6. What are the Benefits of Balance? What are the Ingredients?

Ingredients and Benefits:

7. What are the Benefits of Unimate? What are the Ingredients?

Ingredients and Benefits:

8. How is Unimate Different From Coffee?

9. Will Unimate give me the jitters?

Most people report higher energy levels and a lack of jitters as some of the primary benefits of Unimate due to the high levels of antioxidants that slow down the caffeine breakdown. So you will not crash. It has a higher antioxidant concentration than green tea and other tea’s. This, in turn, makes it superior when it comes to preventing oxidative stress, and helps to produce a calming energy and focus.

Please note that Unimate has about as much caffeine as a cup of premium coffee (less than 100mg), so please be careful if you are sensitive to caffeine and do not drink Unimate too fast, do not chug it. Sip on it, and enjoy.

10. Can I take Unimate more than once per day?

Yes. Because of the caffeine and chlorogenic acid content in Unimate, we don’t recommend drinking Unimate before attempting to sleep, but having additional servings throughout the day is okay. We recommend having an additional serving between meals to help curb any craving to snack and to enhance the benefits of the system.

11. Can I drink Balance more than twice per day?

Yes. If you do have more than two meals per day (assuming you haven’t reached the 16-hour fast mark yet), we recommend taking Balance before each meal.

12. Can I drink more than one serving of Balance per meal?

Yes. If the meal you’re about to eat is particularly high in carbohydrate or sugar content, we recommend having an additional serving of Balance.

13. I understand I’m making changes that will impact my system. Will I experience bloating or any discomfort?

Introducing fiber can increase gas or bloating in some people. This is a normal reaction as your body begins to acclimate to the increased daily fiber intake. This is a temporary effect and should diminish after 2–3 weeks. If you’re very uncomfortable, consider taking only one or a half packet of Balance daily before your first meal, or take it on its own without a meal until you are adjusted.

14. How long does shipping take?

Shipping can take anywhere from 5-10 business days using standard shipping not including holidays/weekends. If you do not receive a tracking number on the next business day of your order, call Unicity customer service at 1-800-Unicity.

15. Can I still take my medication? How do I take my Medication with the Feel Great system?

Continue taking your medication as directed. If you are on diabetes medication you may need to work with your doctor to adjust your dosage as your sugar numbers improve. If there were any contraindications to the feel great products, it would be listed in the PDR. The PDR is the most trusted source of information for health care practitioners.
Here are the PDR summaries: Unimate:

16. How do I refer someone?

Step 1: Locate your member ID ( Found on receipt/welcome email) this is your refferal code to share your discount.
Step 2: Share your Member ID with your Friend/Family member.
Step 3: Then go to and enter the referral code in the Blue box and click the arrow. (show screenshot).
Step 4: Complete the checkout process.

Members get rewarded in product credits when referring other members to the Feel Great System.

17. Where can I see studies? Where is the science on the products?

You can read more about the science and the studies here

18. Can I use this if I’m pregnant/nursing?

You will be given an alternative strategy on how to use the system while pregnant or nursing. This will be found in the members resource section when you get started.

19. How long should I use this? Will I become dependant?

This will depend entirely upon your goals. Feel Great is not a restrictive diet, a passing fad, or a difficult health challenge. It is designed to be a sustainable lifestyle system. These are tools that you can consistently use to combat the modern food environment and no longer have to rely on willpower. My family and I have been using the system since 2013 and have only benefitted from the compound effect of improved metabolic health using the system over the years.